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Saving and exporting scan results

The "File" menu lets you save and export the contents of views. As a guide, you should save results if you want to load them again in GrandPerspective at a later moment. You should export scan results if you want to use them elsewhere.

Saving scan results

The Save Scan Data command lets you save all data in the view. Data is saved to an XML file. It does not matter which folder is currently displayed in the view. All files —also those not currently shown in the view— are stored. However, if a filter has been used to create the view then files that have been excluded by the filter will not be stored. Comments that you enter in the text view in the Info tab are stored as well. You can use this to associate useful information with the scan.

The saved data can be loaded into a new view at a later moment using the Load Scan Data command. Saving and loading data be useful for various reasons, amongst which the following:

Beware: When viewing loaded scan data, you have to be extra careful using the Delete command. Files or folders that you select for deletion may have different contents than the view suggests; folders may contain more files and files may have changed (in size) as well.

Exporting scan results

Scan results can be exported in two ways: