How to handle crashes while scanning
GrandPerspective is very stable.
Crashes while it is scanning are fortunately very rare, but have been known to happen.
If it happens to you, follow these steps:
- Enable full logging when starting the application.
To do so, start the application from Terminal with -logAll YES as commandline argument.
For example, when you have version 1.7.0 and mounted it as a volume, type:
/Volumes/GrandPerspective\ 1.7.0/ -logAll YES
- Try to reproduce the crash. Did you manage?
- No, keep trying.
Go back to Step 2.
- Yes, then inspect the logging in the Terminal to determine which folder it is trying to scan when the crash happens.
Continue to Step 3.
- Try to find the root cause by answering the following questions:
- Is it repeatable?
Does it always crash while scanning the same folder?
- Is there anything special about this folder?
For example, does it contain files with unusual characters in their names?
- Once you manage to reproduce a repeatable crash, submit a bug report for it.
Provide as much details as you can.
This should include the steps to reproduce, but also the version of GrandPerspective and your version of macOS.
Note: You can also submit a report when you did not manage to reproduce a repeatable crash.
However, the chance that the problem can then be fixed is much smaller.